Looking back at all the memories,
I smiled at the happiness I've had;
I cringe at the regrets I've suffered.
Had I not made all these negative things happen, I wouldn't be so frustrated.
Or is it the other way round?
The little mistakes,
my every move and wrong doing,
made all the differences.
I am unsure about the future;
I have nobody to trust,
but You.
However, You enjoy watching me struggle.
You set me tasks and challenges,
You want to see how they make me stronger.
Yes, what that don't kill me make me stronger,
but I'm really tired.
Please give me a quick, short answer.
Give me the courage to pursue it,
or let it fade entirely.
The temptation is too strong,
though it's all in the power of the mind,
I am not strong enough.
I pray for the strength,
for me to face it gallantly.
Please do stay with me,
make me strong,
give me the courage,
for I do not know when I will belosing my head.
For now, it's all about my faith.
I believe You will be there;
You will provide,
if I seek.